Thursday, December 10, 2009
Do I wander from place to place
(Though where to go I do not know)
From where I can get such pity
That leads to love thats leads us face to face.
When face to face we'll stand upon a lonely land
Over the river, flows the breeze on bridge
What will you whisper in my waiting ear
So eager to hear I that you tell me please.
All the drops of dew seems so few
When compared to the drops of Love
That comes from heaven in form of rain
To touch the heart straight, not in curve.
O what lovely scene just you imagine
My joys ache; and in such a situation
When everything is so perfect and pure
Can you say it a mere infatuation ?
What matters if my fate comes so late
What matters even if my chance never comes ?
And still my searching goes for thee
Not who feels for me but feels like me.
Mithun Dutta
Banaras Hindu University
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blue Whale
Right in the deep blue sea
I sail with my spreaded wings
Like an authoritative Monopolist
The small ones maintain a distance
Of fear from my way
For I have all right to stay
God created me hugest to swim ocean stream
No one even dares to mess with me
For I am the Blue Whale
Of the deep blue sea.
Tuhin Majumdar
M.A. (Final)
Department of English
Banaras Hindu University
A Metaphysical Sonnet
Today only you ,me and Freud ,
Instinct becomes our forte
And does't want any shade .
Our singularity has seasoned an intense love
And it alarms plurality and panoply of time ,
Now desire is running rocket
And instant fleshly fireworks are devoid of crime.
Trying to quench the thirst
Of love-syrup to the lees
We,the lovers have broken
The hands of watches and time flees.
Heart beats ,nerve strikes and flesh shrieks
But (we know ) we, the predatory birds are nothing but freaks.
Gourab Singha
M.A. [Previous]
Banaras Hindu University
Saturday, December 5, 2009
History and Culture in 'Train To Pakistan'

Friday, December 4, 2009
From Dusk Of Hopelessness To Dawn Of Hope!

The Chamber Of Secrets

So Shy Am I ?
The plan is superflop,
But what to do if enraged you
To gain your tender sympathy
I can from the Airtel tower
Still my feeling is still for you

happy hamlet's day
..a perfectly unfamiliear face in a perfectly familiar nook..
..a perfect manifestation..of a bluish ambition..a bloody moment of perfection..a perfect chance for proliferation..
..imposition of matters over the utterances of perfected procrastination..and for sure a perfect procrastination it was..
a christ for me and a third christ to make me his destiny
..and as for the evening i would be alone,surrounded by darkness and silence:and in that moment of supreme tenderness i would be transfigured..i would be 'transfigured'..weakness and timidity and inexperience would fall from me in that 'magic moment'!..
..and there would be a hamlet,the eternal priest of imagination..he would be to make you feel the momentum of terrible breathing..and of my profane baptism..and of the thoughts that are going to change the tears with utmost inability---the most gracious inability of existence..
..and i would be there to make you exist 'without you' 'tomorrow,tomorrow and tomorrow' without failing..
i would pretend to be a hamlet
for i am hamlet
and hamlet is me..
..and i would be your hamlet to console you with his words..for he is the progenitor of our species..
..there is enough excuse to declare the brazen death of time for i can not tolerate you to tolerate these my words;
"time was,time is but time will no longer be"
..but before that i must reincarnate 'me' to be cadence of 'Him'-the brightest of all angels..
..salvation awaits it does you and me.., i wish you "a very happy hamlet's day"
By e!amnot chatterjee
M.A. (Previous)
Department of English
Banaras Hindu University
Saturday, November 28, 2009
What am I ???
By Maneesh Rai
M.A. (Previous)
Department of English, BHU
What am I ?
Merely a cold bundle of nerves!
Or a swing in Vacuum
The one that to yet God serves
Or a part of an eternal continuum?
A degenerate progeny of A. and E1.
Or an elevated man will I be.
Nothing is sure, nothing certain
Why to live and how to attain
The Eternal Bliss!
The Eternal Bliss!

Sabya Sachi Gayan
M.A. (Previous)
Department of English, BHU
LALI…An Oracular Identity
M.A. (Previous)
Department of English, BHU
BY Pritish Midya
M.A. (Previous)
Department of English, BHU
The charming day departed soon
And all warmth gone
Evening creeps then imperceptibly
And darkness shrouds the whole gloomy sky.
Beside a stagnant window
You sit alone like a deaf
But a lamp at a distance
You can never see.
A denigration demur…
Then density come and deride…
Oh! The cruel past!
Never come, never come
Behold her!
She tries to shy
But not like the sun.
She may be fowl, but she is fair
She may be holy, she is sinner
Yet when the dark night passes away all
There the lamp stands still
But who knows……………………….?