Life has become a starless night,there are no stars and hence no ray of hope. Everyone has left him and drowned in the sea of sorrow,all the time he only weeps and contemplates--"What is my fault? When and where I committed the sin? I was always helpful to others,always holding them in times fo trouble and now why nobody is there to hold me in the test of time.My loved ones left me in the dark,so that I can never come out. Pessimism has become the definition of my life. Everyday when I sleep I hope the next morning can bring a ray of positivity for me but every morning is as dark as the starless night. At times, I feel I should commit suicide but I don't know from where some force holds me and I stop myself. May be somewhere in the starless night, there is a moon which is not visible now but I think when clouds of sorrow will disperse and moon will be visible, I will definitely come out of this dark room and I know the dawn of hope will either engulf me or I will merge in my Almighty."
Manjari Shukla
M.A. (Previous)
Department of English
Banaras Hindu University