Saturday, November 28, 2009
What am I ???
By Maneesh Rai
M.A. (Previous)
Department of English, BHU
What am I ?
Merely a cold bundle of nerves!
Or a swing in Vacuum
The one that to yet God serves
Or a part of an eternal continuum?
A degenerate progeny of A. and E1.
Or an elevated man will I be.
Nothing is sure, nothing certain
Why to live and how to attain
The Eternal Bliss!
The Eternal Bliss!

Sabya Sachi Gayan
M.A. (Previous)
Department of English, BHU
LALI…An Oracular Identity
M.A. (Previous)
Department of English, BHU
BY Pritish Midya
M.A. (Previous)
Department of English, BHU
The charming day departed soon
And all warmth gone
Evening creeps then imperceptibly
And darkness shrouds the whole gloomy sky.
Beside a stagnant window
You sit alone like a deaf
But a lamp at a distance
You can never see.
A denigration demur…
Then density come and deride…
Oh! The cruel past!
Never come, never come
Behold her!
She tries to shy
But not like the sun.
She may be fowl, but she is fair
She may be holy, she is sinner
Yet when the dark night passes away all
There the lamp stands still
But who knows……………………….?